3 Updating Outpost 2 failed. This has left your Outpost 2 installation in an unknown state.\nYou should delete your Outpost 2 installation and reinstall.
4 Update successful. Restarting Outpost 2.
5 Initializing update process.
6 Error:\nUpdating SIERRA.INF version number failed.
8 Executable Files (*.exe)
9 Your Outpost 2 installation located in "%s" is version %s.\nThis update is for version %s. Update is aborted.
10 Error:\nReading version number in SIERRA.INF failed.
11 Your Outpost 2 installation located in "%s" has already been updated to version %s.
12 Error:\nUnspecified update failure.
13 Insufficient disk space to perform update.
14 Error %lu applying patch file.
15 Updating of your Outpost 2 installation has begun.\nIf you abort now, your installation may be corrupted, and you may have to reinstall Outpost 2.\nAre you sure you want to abort updating?
16 Updating...
17 The executable file Outpost2.exe could not be opened. This may be because Outpost 2 is already running.\nUpdate aborted.
18 Existing Outpost 2 installation could not be located.\nUpdate aborted.
19 An Outpost 2 installation has been found at "%s".\nIs this the Outpost 2 installation you wish to update?